We welcome you to get involved. Your event or support can help us assist children & families. Explore ways to get involved.

We All Can Give Time to Get Involved to Change a Life & Save a Life
Our community needs blood donations & more blood drives.
Blood donors, we are thankful for you!
Blood donors are saving lives. Thousands of people in our community are thankful that blood donors give so generously.
Why give blood?
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Blood is essential to help patients living with a chronic blood disease like sickle cell, thalassemia, anemia, or cancer survive. Many other people may need blood during an emergency situation. Many treatments for individuals living with a blood disorder or anemia include a blood transfusion. Some children with sickle cell that experienced a stroke have a monthly treatment called a blood exchange that requires receiving donated blood. Lifesaving care starts with one person making a generous donation. Our community has a constant need for blood is constant and there is no substitute for it. Donors provide the only supply of life-saving blood for those in need. But only about 3% of age-eligible people donate blood yearly. It is heroes like you that can help make a difference to save lives.
Ways to Get Involved

Donate Blood or Host a Blood Drive

Individuals & Families please participate in our events, become a volunteer, conduct a fundraiser for us, host a blood drive, or awareness event. You can also select our organization on Facebook or Instagram and have birthday fundraiser for Kids Conquering Sickle Cell Disease Foundation.

Students/ Sororities/ Fraternities/ Churches Please Host a Blood Drive and Sickle Cell Awareness event inviting our presenter. We welcome the opportunity to educate the community and increase the blood supply.

Get Your Business /Organization/ Job Involved to Fundraise or have an awareness session/ event.
Some employment establishments have charity donation options to select to give a donation to an organization. Explore how to get your business or job to support the mission of Kids Conquering Sickle Cell Disease Foundation.

For Kids: Have a fundraiser for your birthday or ask you class to participate. You may also host a blood drive.

Honor & Memorial Gifts: Offer a donation in honor of a loved one. Host an awareness event such as a skating social, meet and greet, birthday social, bowling social.

Support a child, family, or individual by providing support of prayers, kind words, or gestures of kindness: a gift card, monetary donations, donate grocery, provide a ride to medical appointment, or offer to visit someone in the hospital.