Educating & Empowering Our Community

We Provide Educational Presentations
We provided educational presentations to the community.
Are you interested in having a speaker present at your conference, workshop, meeting, or health fair?
Please contact / 407 844-2474

Empowered Caregivers Forum
Host Carla Lewis and Rae Blaylark are mother’s of children born with sickle cell disease. We welcome you to join a forum created to support, educate and share resources with parents/caregivers of a child/children or young adult with sickle cell disease/ trait or thalassemia. The forum will provide a safe place for parents to share & ask questions bridging the gap to important conversations.
Sessions are scheduled 7:30am PT/ 9:30 am CT/ 10:30 am ET – There are three scheduled dates:
Session I April 20: Exploring Curative Therapy to Treat Sickle Cell Disease
Session II July 20: Sickle Cell: The Focal Segmental Glomerularscelerosis (FSGS)-Kidney Disease
Session III Oct 5: Let’s Talk About It: SCD Management: Moya Moya & Stroke
Each session will offer guest speakers and a Q& A discussion session.

Educational Symposium
Kids Conquering Sickle Cell Disease Foundation invites you to our 2024 Sickle Cell & Chronic Pain Management Symposium. We are excited to offer an education conference that will certainly offer a unique opportunity to learn the latest advances in clinical care, transition services, and emerging new therapies including updates for curative treatment options.
This is a unique conference for the community of patients, care givers, health care providers, social workers, students and those with interest in sickle cell and chronic pain. This conference is not only for attendees with interest in sickle cell. We have a community that lives with chronic pain suffering in silence. We welcome our community with interest in chronic pain and sickle cell to learn about the latest effective therapies bringing help & hope.

Young Adult Sickle Cell Alliance
The Young Adult Sickle Cell Alliance Advocate Advisors are trained professionals. The Young Adult Sickle Cell Alliance was created to be a voice of advocacy for merging and young adult patients living with sickle cell & experienced a curative therapy ages 16- 35. The Advocate Ambassadors live with cell or they have experienced a curative therapy. Many ambassadors have led educational sessions at our Young Adult Educational Sessions at the National Sickle Cell Disease Association of America conference. We to support the community of transitioning young adults to learn about resources and bring the voice strength to warriors. We are the voice of united advocacy.

International Educational & Support Program
The One Love International program provides education sessions and health support kits to warriors living with sickle cell / thalassemia disease that reside in Jamaica West Indies with unserved patients with limited healthcare & treatment access. Our One Love International Aid Program provides education & support to sickle cell and thalassemia warriors living with minimal aid. Warriors in Jamaica don’t have the access & the privilege to a sophisticated healthcare & hospital infrastructure as the U.S. Kids Conquering Sickle Cell collaborates with Shaq’s Hope & organizations to bring help & hope to warriors in Jamaica, W. I.

A Gift of Hope
Kids Conquering Sickle Cell Disease’s, “A Gift of Hope” program support, education, gifts, and information about community resources to families impacted sickle cell /blood diseases.
We welcome donations to help support this program. We are collecting new toys/ gift sets, & gift cards. Items for children 11-17 are most needed. A parent living with sickle cell and many families with a child with a chronic illness are experiencing hardships. We aim to bring smiles to children during the holidays and throughout the year.
Are you interested in becoming a sponsor to support our work to assist families? We have sponsorship opportunities available for the Gift Hope Program & other various programs.
Please contact / 407 844-2474 to provide donations or for questions.

United Voice of Advocacy
Kids Conquering Sickle Cell Disease Foundation joins the efforts of advocacy by partnering with organizations supporting access to care, treatments, and legislative acts to improve the quality of life for individuals living with rare diseases. We join to support the united voice of change and support for rare diseases.