Warrior Stories of Hope- Shamir J.
Defining Strength, Inspiration, & Hope!

Shamir was born with sickle cell anemia- SS. She is a entrepreneur, college student, advocate and dedicated mother.
Shamir started a nonprofit and support group called The Sickle Cell Mommies Club. The group focuses on mainly support and sisterhood to get through the toughest times of our type of motherhood. Shamir stated, “We aren’t just a group for mother’s who have Sickle Cell. We are a group for ALL types of mothers in the Sickle Cell Community; Adoptive Mother’s, Foster Mother’s, Step Mother’s, Guardian Mother’s, and more! With us operating mainly online we can reach and help more women. I’m proud to say our organization has members from around the globe. I have also been able to obtain my Phlebotomy Tech and Lab Tech Licenses and I am currently in school studying Philosophy and Psychology. My goal is to gain a Degree in both majors so that I am able to continue my work in helping people in the Sickle Cell Community by focusing on our mental health and unity.”
Shamir stated her greatest challenge living with a chronic illness is working so hard to achieve something only to get sick again and having no choice but to take a break to focus on her health. Shamir states, “My daughter has always been my rock during these hard and difficult times because no matter what she reminds me that she looks up to me and appreciates all of the hard work I am doing for our legacy and that I am not only showing her how to work hard and how to fight but I am helping others along the way.”
The advise Shamir would like to share with fellow warriors is, “Never be ashamed of who you are or about your journey. Live in it and keep your head up high through it all.”